Because it’s the project that excites me the most I’m really happy you visited this section!

I have a background education as a fine arts painter and sculptor. A good part of my work experience is in arts and architecture related manual labor. 

The idea is an apprenticeship program into a workers cooperative in the green trades (adaptation/ mitigation/ opportunity) using existing educational networks, fiscal sponsorship, and collaboration, cross sector participation and creative business modeling.

I’m wanting to start a low-profit workers’ cooperative (L3C) which is fiscally sponsored and technically assisted to prove out this idea of piecing together itself and the curriculum for an energy retrofit construction company.

There is a window of opportunity to do something scaleable. Joining worker cooperative development with the workforce development and the schools and governmental agencies and volunteer orgs like Americorps and FEMAcorps and industry, makes it a program that can be institutionalized, because it scales as a business model for a ‘choose your own adventure,’ only the opportunities that are directly relevant to the local community would be explored.




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